Saturday, June 2, 2012

Day 4 - When mother nature hands you lemons.........

Today we had to choose between heading north to Rocky Mountain National Park or head south and chase in an area that conditions were marginal at best. After some heated discussion between northers and southers, we decided that we would back track 2 hours to Raton, NM and reasses the situation.

As we were driving we saw thuderstorm formation to the east and when we made it too Raton we made the decision to chase. We raced off to the NM/TX border to catch up with Bruce, our developing storm. What a storm Bruce turned out to be. He showed us some great things like rain shafts, high winds, a wall cloud, rotation and localized dust storms.

Bruce lasted for a long time and we chased him for a good 3 hours. We traveled to Amarillo,TX for the night and grabbed dinner at Texas Roadhouse.

This trip has been worth every penny so far and I have seen some amazing things. I have also learned a ton from everyone in this van. I love being around weather geeks.

I will write more later and upload pics when I am not posting from my phone.

UPDATE: Pics and Video added
Wall Cloud

The group on the side of the road photographing the wall cloud

Striations in the clouds caused by a strong updraft into the storm

Rain Shafts

More Picture Taking

Rotation (Videos show it better)

More rotation

Mammattus Clouds

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